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Monday, September 20, 2010

Painful yet Helpful Experince

:D I got and injury!
I was on the way back from tuition with a friend of mine,
Then as I was cycling, I hit some big rock thing,
Then I went 360 degrees and feel the ground,
with the bike lying on top me.
I stood up, and start check for any injuries.
then I saw this white thing on my leg,
Little did I know that was my flesh!
It was small white thing,
then it slowly turning into purple,
My friend was kind enough to lend me a hand and take me to his house.
As I walking with on scandal and a bare foot.
My saw another injury behind my leg,
It was something like a BIG slash by knife,
But it was not as pain the other.
So, I went to my friend's house,
and clean my wound.
Then my mom fetch me to get some antibiotic cream for my wound.

Came back took a photo of my wound.
Share it to all my beloved friend.

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